Code Walkthrough : Previously you have seen how to use SugarORM with Android . In this , I will be giving you a walkthrough how the whole code works in an application, with a sample application which I have created. you can also download the complete android studio project from here AndroidManifest.xml: This is how the sample application will look like, when the application get installed, android will create an sqlite database named codexandroid.db as mentioned in this manifest. It will also assign the database version to be 1, if you add more table to your database you have to increement your database version number before deploying it on Google play store or for demo. android:noHistory="true" --> This is to stop android from keeping activity in stack , so that when you press back in this application, you won't be taken back to the previously used activity. <application android:allowBackup...
Android code Samples to help few, who are looking for!